Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I join the Baraboo Area Flying Club?

The best way to determine if the BAFC is for you is to meet us in person and/or join us for an introductory flight.  It's that simple.  All are welcome to find out more about the Club by attending an information meeting.  Contact us for upcoming meeting dates and times.

How old do I have to be to join a Flying Club?

The Baraboo Area Flying Club has no minimum (or maximum) age requirement.

How long does it take to learn to fly?

The FAA requires 40 hours minimum of flight instruction.  And, the average time it takes to earn a private pilots license is somewhere between 45-55 hours of in-flight training.  PPL flight training can be completed in just a few months in some cases.  The typical flyer will earn their pilot license in their first year of flying, or at a more leisure pace over a few Summers.

At what age can I start flying?

You can start flight training at any age.  Per FAA regulations, you must be at least 16 years of age to solo fly a powered aircraft, and 17 years of age to obtain a private pilot license (after appropriate flight instruction of course).  The Club has no minimum age for flight training.

How much does a flying cost?

Our members enjoy cost-effective plane access.  Our aircraft fees range from $78.00 - $118.00 per Hobbs hour of flight time (dry - not including fuel), depending on plane and hangar location.  These rates do not include fuel, or instructor (if necessary).

What about introductory flights?

Contact us here to find out when a seat might be open on an upcoming Member flight.  And, get ready for fun!

Can I bring a friend or family member on a Member Flight?

Yes - please request this when you contact us.  Our Flying Club's aircraft are typically four (4) seat aircraft with room for up to 3 guests along with a pilot.  And, your pilot will calculate weight and balance to ensure safety minimums are met.

When is the next opportunity for an Introductory Flight?

These occur year-round when a Member pilot has the time and an empty seat on a flight, or when a special event occurs.  See our events page to find out dates for upcoming events.  Or contact us here for upcoming Member flights.

I own a plane and don't fly it much, what about leasing it to the Club?

The BAFC is an excellent option for a plane owner who is not flying much to lease their plane to the Club and earn some extra cash.  Plus, the plane owner retains ownership and can access the plane with a Club membership. If you have a great airplane sitting and wish to put it to work - the Club pays above market rates for plane leases and we take care of our planes with high standards and progressive maintenance.  Contact us to learn more about our planes, or about leasing us yours!

I can only fly in Summer or during breaks from College, is that an issue?

No issue at all.  We have allowances in the Club By-laws for college students who are attending school, and these provide students with the flexibility to suspend their Club Membership (and monthly dues) while away at school (or back home).  This allows college students to fly or flight train when they are home and in the area, with no cost or penalty when away at school (and vice versa).  We have the same allowances for active duty military.

How do I reach the Club for more information?

You can reach us in the following ways:
email: [email protected]
BAFC hotline: (608) 371-9240
New Member meetings: We meet regularly, contact us to join our next meeting.